Beautiful views, troubling news

Troubles continue for Our Island Home, Nantucket's long-term care and nursing facility. A place for Nantucket residents in failing health has been operated by the town since the late 18th century. The current building on lower Orange Street near the rotary opened in 1981 and has had its own poor condition for years. OIH got a one out of five rating recently by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, The Inquirer and Mirror reported last week. OIH is one of only two municipally-owned nursing homes remaining in Massachusetts. The Town of Nantucket has proposed building a new facility, located elsewhere. Many island families and advocates for the elderly would like OIH to stay in its scenic location for its panoramic view, enjoyed by the residents, of nearby salt marshes.

As the debate continues, the nonprofit Friends of Our Island Home, made up of children, grandchildren, spouses, community members and friends of OIH residents, formed in 2013 (as part of Community Foundation for Nantucket) "to enrich the daily lives of Our Island Home residents."